Testi canzoni nobigdyl.
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- 3pm Interlude
- Art Of War
- anime
- close
- cordial
- enemies?
- orion
- pressure
- psycho heart!
- shadow
- twenty eighteen
- bad motives
- Baggage Claim
- be a man
- block me back
- Catch Up
- Daydreams
- Didn't Cry
- Discrete
- Empty Without You
- Faith And Patience
- Fieldhouse Freestyle
- Imago Interlude
- L'appel Du Vide
- Leave It To God
- Lottery
- Loved!
- Name
- Note
- Odin
- Pain On My Mind
- Rafiki Intro
- Renaissance
- Stix
- Swim
- Two Weeks Notice
- Voss
- Write My Wrongs